We offer online lessons internationally
- English
- Spanish
- Catalan
Choose the best option for you

The courses are delivered to small friendly groups through virtual classrooms where you will be able to interact with your trainer and the other people in your group. Choose the best option for you.
- Group lessons (4-8 people)
- Semiprivate (2-3 people)
- Private lessons
Check prices here
Our experience teaching online:

Robin School has been teaching almost 6 years to students living in so many different countries, such as Ucrania, China, Israel, the USA, Mexico, Colombia, England and Morocco.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a tough moment for all of us, fortunately we have not stopped working at Robin School. We were familiar with online eduation sience 2016 therefore we knew online education could be 100% effective.
Online education is 100% effective and it only depends on 5 elements:
- Internet connection
- Having any device with acces to internet: mobile phone, tablet, notebook, computer or laptop
- Having a student or a group ready to learn
- Having a good teacher
- Having a good method
Before the global pandemic, Robin School offered around 10-15% of the its lessons online. During both lockdowns it did a 100% of its courses online. This situation
de la pandemia global, Robin School, realizaba un 10-15% de sus cursos online. En estos momentos realizamos el 100% de nuestros cursos online. Así que esta situación tan complicada nos ha supuesto unos cuantos retos que hemos transformado en éxitos.
- Formar a profesores que nunca habían enseñado online
- Dar clases de grupo online a niños de 9 y 10 años.
- Dar clases de grupos a adultos y adolescentes online (hasta ahora sólo habíamos dado clases particulares)
¿Qué hemos aprendido en esta crisis?
Que por muy terribles que sean las crisis, a veces, también nos brindan oportunidades para crecer y superarnos como personas o profesionales. Desde aquí una abrazo y toda nuestra admiración a todos los profesionales que se han dejado la piel en esta crisis global.